Thursday, August 21, 2008

There You Are

You are so humble and quiet most of the time,
that is ‘til all your next door neighbors drop their clothes.
Then suddenly you step forward like royalty -
defiantly dressed in the deepest royal green,
warmly wrapped for winter while
your companions (who’ve finally finished their striptease)
shiver naked and vulnerable.

You are now the confident one, and the others
fade in the fullness of your commanding presence.
Regal and majestic, you stand,
holding court before your servants.
Once unpretentious, now uninhibited.
You are ready to rule and so I bow before your excellence
and worship the One who made you for such a time as this.

Isn’t it just like Him to have something up His sleeve?
Just when I thought the resplendence was over, there you are.
Be the King, Sire Evergreen.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Unless We Become Like Children...

What good are tears?
Other than making my head hurt and my nose run?
They don’t solve a thing.
Kind of like getting drunk.
When you sober up the problem is still there.
And when you’re drinking you're just feeling sorry for yourself.

What are tears anyway?
Water running out my eye sockets.
How strange is that?
Obviously, I have a leak and it needs repaired.
Can’t use glue, hammer or nails.
Can’t keep holding my finger up there like the little dutch boy.
Can’t keep filling up wastecans with wadded up tissues.
It's messy and besides the dog likes to chew them up.

The Bible says there will be no tears in heaven.
Well, more and more I’m thinking it should be that way on earth,
or at least in my little corner of the world.
I’d rather grab a box of crayons and color.
Or walk outside in the grass with no shoes on.
Or pretend that I’m a princess.
Or curl up in my Abba’s lap and snuggle.
Or put on something pretty -
like a dress with polka dots.
Or glue sparkles on construction paper
and give it to someone I love.

I don’t know.
I guess tears are here for a reason.
But not like they used to be.
I used to cry in the shower
and now instead I draw a smiley face on the steamy door.

Tears seem very earthy all of a sudden.
And polka dots and sparkles seem like heaven.
So I will choose moments of tears
and an eternity of polka dots and sparkles.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Triglycerides. Alas!

I’ve got to get this written, this assignment of the week.
Alas, I’m stuck in quick sand.
I’m sinking! My will is growing weak!
My thoughts are in a frenzy, colliding with my walls.
My words are getting nowhere.
No where

at all is just a bridge to take me from up there to here.
Oh. Dear..dear...

Dear April,

I write this note in regards to your most recent assignment of triglycerides. Although initially the word seemed fascinating and challenging, by this point I find the word repulsive. After:

1) pondering on triglycerides incessantly (i.e., while washing dishes, cleaning bathtubs, swinging on porch swing, cooking meals, watching Olympics, sitting on toilet);

2) Googling 'triglycerides' for clarity, and;

3) desperately and blatantly asking my son (your cousin Joe*) “what do YOU know about triglycerides?”, I must with grandiloquent regret conclude that I am not capable of completing my assignment of the week.

Yours uninspiringly,

Aunt Kelli Kelli with the big fat belly **
As called by her brothers two.

*denotes low triglycerides.
**denotes high triglycerides.
Boo-Hoo. Boo-Hoo. Boo-Hoo. :(

Monday, August 4, 2008


I have a poem within my head. It must be written, must be read.
It comes from somewhere deep inside. It must come out, it shall not hide.
Is it from my mind or heart? All I sense is it must start and when it does this ink does flow creating someone new to know.

Will it be a he or she? Will it dare resemble me?
Will it have a special name? Will it bring me pride or shame?
Will it make me want to smile...or ponder life a little while?
Will it bring a tear or sigh? Will it make me wonder why?
Will it whisper? Will it shout? Will it whimper? Will it pout?
Will it speak for what is right? Will it run or will it fight?

Will I be glad it came to be? Will I want other eyes to see? I guess I shouldn't really care since I have just been made aware that I had a poem within my head...but now its on this page instead. is coming to an end. Kelli, meet Poem - your latest friend.
