Monday, August 4, 2008


I have a poem within my head. It must be written, must be read.
It comes from somewhere deep inside. It must come out, it shall not hide.
Is it from my mind or heart? All I sense is it must start and when it does this ink does flow creating someone new to know.

Will it be a he or she? Will it dare resemble me?
Will it have a special name? Will it bring me pride or shame?
Will it make me want to smile...or ponder life a little while?
Will it bring a tear or sigh? Will it make me wonder why?
Will it whisper? Will it shout? Will it whimper? Will it pout?
Will it speak for what is right? Will it run or will it fight?

Will I be glad it came to be? Will I want other eyes to see? I guess I shouldn't really care since I have just been made aware that I had a poem within my head...but now its on this page instead. is coming to an end. Kelli, meet Poem - your latest friend.



Ames said...

um i LOVE this.
it reminds me of a sandra boyton book and i LOVE SANRA BOYTON AND MY AUNT KELLI!

Anonymous said...

Aw...who knew?! I'm so proud!